Pro Parenting Tip #32: It’s Not About the Nail

The one skill I think is the most critical for parents of teens to master is Empathetic Listening. 👂

It’s also one of the most difficult skills to get right. 🤷🏻‍♀️

In fact, in the  Thriving Parent Academy  there is an entire Master Class on listening.

Then we practice with one another.

It's fun, but man, it's HARD.

Even with me right there coaching, parents can't resist fixing, pep talking, advising, problem solving…

And I was struggling to give them that concrete AHA moment they needed for it to really sink in.

Then one of my awesome students shared  this video  with the class

It hit the nail on the head 🔨 (so to speak).

I’d seen it years ago and completely forgot how well it captured the essence of Empathetic Listening—along with how difficult it is to do.

I encourage you to watch it. (It's good for a laugh too!)


Empathetic Listening isn't as easy at looks, but when you get it down, SO MUCH WILL CHANGE!


If you want to take a deep dive into Empathetic Listening and the other 8 skills we teach, I invite you to read our book  IMPROVING SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH: THE THRIVING SCHOOL COMMUNITY SOLUTION . We created a FREE Book Study Kit to optimize your experience.

 DOWNLOAD  the Book Study Kit

Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD

Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD, “the Teen Translator,” is an adolescent psychologist, parent coach, TEDx speaker, author, and host of “Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam” podcast. She is on a mission to help parents build strong, positive relationships with their teens through improved communication, connection, and understanding. Dr. Cam is the mom of a teen too, so she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk!

Visit Dr. Cam’s website:

Pro Parenting Tip #33: Problem Solve


Pro Parenting Tip #23: Stay in Your Circle of Control