Empowering Teens for Career Success with Dr. Lorna Bryant

SPONSORED BY: Pearson’s Connections Academy

Episode Summary

Did you know that by 2030, 85% of jobs that will exist haven't even been invented yet? How do you prepare your teens for a future filled with unknowns?

In this episode, Dr. Lorna Bryant, head of career education at Pearson's Connections Academy, shares insights on preparing teens for success in a future filled with unknowns. The conversation covers various topics, including the pressure to succeed, redefining success, balancing future preparation and present needs, developing skills and seeking opportunities, changing views on careers and work-life, work ethic and priorities of younger generations, defining success and prioritizing well-being, recognizing the value of diverse interests, navigating career changes and quitting, and encouraging exploration and finding passion.


  • Prepare teens for a future of unknowns by focusing on developing skills and seeking opportunities rather than solely on grades and traditional measures of success.

  • Redefine success to prioritize well-being, balance, and fulfillment rather than solely focusing on financial achievements.

  • Recognize the value of diverse interests and hobbies, as they may provide the skills and knowledge needed for future careers that haven't even been invented yet.

  • Encourage exploration and allow teens to change their career paths if their interests and passions evolve.

Meet Dr. Lorna Bryant

Dr. Lorna Bryant is the Head of Career Education, at Pearson’s Connections Academy and a subject matter expert on career education Gen Z in the workplace. Lorna has 25+ years of career education experience and in her role, she works to identify and create the best educational options for children regardless of geographic, socio-economic, or other circumstances.

Connect with Dr. Bryanton Pearson.com | LinkedIn

Watch the Full Interview


00:00 Preparing Teens for a Future of Unknowns

03:05 The Pressure to Succeed

06:01 Redefining Success

07:59 Balancing Future Preparation and Present Needs

10:34 Developing Skills and Seeking Opportunities

12:59 Changing Views on Careers and Work Life

13:41 Work Ethic and Priorities of Younger Generations

14:57 Defining Success and Prioritizing Well-being

18:42 Recognizing the Value of Diverse Interests

20:59 Finding the Balance in Parenting

23:48 Navigating Career Changes and Quitting

26:20 Encouraging Exploration and Finding Passion

27:42 Key Takeaways

28:24 Action Steps

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD

Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD, “the Teen Translator,” is an adolescent psychologist, parent coach, TEDx speaker, author, and host of “Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam” podcast. She is on a mission to help parents build strong, positive relationships with their teens through improved communication, connection, and understanding. Dr. Cam is the mom of a teen too, so she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk!

Visit Dr. Cam’s website: www.askdrcam.com


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