Pro Parenting Tip #42: Tap into Their Dreams

There is nothing as frustrating as asking your teen a question and getting a shoulder shrug, eyeroll, or grunt as a reply.

What does it take to get them to talk to us?


It's not as difficult as it sounds, I promise.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Think about something that interests your teen (video games, sports, YouTube, music, fashion...)

​2. Ask them ONE open-ended question about that topic (e.g., "What makes Minecraft so fun to play?" "If you started a YouTube channel, what would it be about?" "What TikTok influencer do you look up to? Why?" "If you could be known for being great at something, what would you want it to be?" "If you could, how would you change the fashion industry?"

​3. Give them plenty of time to answer.

​4. Stay quiet and listen (see Pro Parenting Tip #9: 80/20 Rule)..

​5. Only talk to ask clarify questions and express interest.

6. Thank them for sharing with you.

Here's another secret: they want to talk to you too. Teens tell me that all the time. They just need to know it's safe.

When you encourage your teen to dream without boundaries, they will slowly begin to let you in.

Once they realize that there aren't any hidden booby traps (lecture, overreaction, or incrimination), they will begin to share things with you more freely and frequently.

After they become comfortable talking to you about the fun things, they will begin to come to you about more difficult subjects.

It may take some time to get them to open up at first. Some teens may be more cautious than others.


Ask your teens open-ended questions that spark their imagination and dream along with them.


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Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD

Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD, “the Teen Translator,” is an adolescent psychologist, parent coach, TEDx speaker, author, and host of “Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam” podcast. She is on a mission to help parents build strong, positive relationships with their teens through improved communication, connection, and understanding. Dr. Cam is the mom of a teen too, so she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk!

Visit Dr. Cam’s website:

Pro Parenting Tip #43: Create an Action Plan


Pro Parenting Tip #41: Climb Down the Ladder