Raising Resilient Teenagers: Land the Helicopter, Embrace Benign Neglect

Is this the secret to raising resilient teens? 🤔💪

In a recent interview on Today with Hoda and Jenna, actress and entrepreneur Jennifer Garner shared her perspective on parenting, saying, “I want to be around. But I also think it’s OK if they suffer from a little bit of benign neglect.”

Seriously? You’re Telling Me to Neglect My Teen?

In a world consumed by "hyper-parenting," the notion of "benign neglect" may raise eyebrows.

What is Benign Neglect?

Don't let the name fool you. Benign neglect isn't about ignoring your teen's needs. Instead, it's about fostering independence and resilience by allowing them to:

  • Explore: Discover their passions and talents through self-directed exploration.

  • Make Mistakes: Learn valuable lessons from inevitable missteps and develop problem-solving skills.

  • Take Ownership: Feel responsible for their choices and actions, building self-confidence.

  • Develop Grit: Bounce back from setbacks and challenges, becoming more resilient.

Why Ditch the Helicopter

While well-intentioned, helicopter parenting can have detrimental effects on teenagers:

  • Stifled Growth: Over-protection limits opportunities for learning and experimentation.

  • Erosion of Confidence: Constant intervention hinders their ability to develop self-reliance and problem-solving skills.

  • Fear of Failure: Over-emphasis on success can lead to a crippling fear of taking risks.

  • Poor Decision-Making: Lack of independent experience can make it difficult for teenagers to make sound judgments.

Benefits of Benign Neglect

By embracing benign neglect, you empower your teenager to become:

  • Independent: Confident in their ability to navigate life's challenges and make informed decisions.

  • Resilient: Able to bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes.

  • Resourceful: Adaptable and equipped to solve problems independently.

  • Self-Reliant: Responsible for their actions and capable of taking care of themselves.

Take the Leap

Moving away from helicopter parenting requires conscious effort. Here are some tips:

  • Set clear expectations and boundaries, but allow them freedom within those limits.

  • Let them experience the consequences of their choices, both positive and negative.

  • Be there to offer support and guidance but avoid taking over their problems.

  • Encourage communication and open dialogue.


Benign neglect isn't about abandoning your teens. It's about empowering them to become confident, capable individuals ready to take on the world.

Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD

Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, PhD, “the Teen Translator,” is an adolescent psychologist, parent coach, TEDx speaker, author, and host of “Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam” podcast. She is on a mission to help parents build strong, positive relationships with their teens through improved communication, connection, and understanding. Dr. Cam is the mom of a teen too, so she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk!

Visit Dr. Cam’s website: www.askdrcam.com


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